Monday, September 15, 2008

During this time

Time rolls on in here, sl comes in cycles waves, some times surging higher than other times, some days just so damn boring and others to exciting. People come and go, and I guess your own moods are tracked, to work as best you can with SL, without getting carried away.
I continually now stay in night mode, so it doesnt upset my rl day time pattern and sleep, so easy to do in here, especially if you end up with someone from another country.

I continued on with the Gallery, but ended up quitting after my boss spoke to me rudely one to many times, no amount of money in the world or lindens will let me put up with bullshit.
So I helped to get the whole thing off the ground, found very talented artists, and walked away.
I was offered many jobs from other Galleries one being KMADD. Which later I also declined, due to now really knowing the value of the linden and my time, so I became a complete non-commiting avatar to anyone or anything !!

I looked into banks to invest all the money I had made, but couldnt trust that they wouldnt just pack up and disappear.
I stuck to my friends, and found some more nice places to just sit to unwind from my hectic rl also, and really just stayed to myself again. Basically I had worked so hard in here and helped so many ppl by this stage, I needed to learn how to relax, so thats what I set out to do .

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