Saturday, November 10, 2007

Deceit or terrorism Google

I can not stress how important it is for every Austalian to watch this video, copy it burn it send it, tamp it on your forehead.
Originally found in google videos an investigation into Port Arthur Masscre


Anonymous said...

What utter garbage. So you expect people to believe that every person at Port Arthur, every police officer, every journalist and so on and on and on, is secretly part of a conspiracy? I was in the media at the time and the thought that every journalist can be made to participate in such a fanciful lie is utter rot and just feeds feeble minds

Anonymous said...

I dont believe that everyone that was there was part of a conspiracy you make up your own mind there.
So a victim that was there, is not a credible witness!
Other witness statements are not seen Jim Laycock for instance.
It was the media that plastered bryants face all over the papers, totally unlawful, tampered with peoples minds before the proper investigation.

Get back to work and do your job properly, and please dont waste my time.