Saturday, November 10, 2007
Deceit or terrorism Google
I can not stress how important it is for every Austalian to watch this video, copy it burn it send it, tamp it on your forehead.
Originally found in google videos an investigation into Port Arthur Masscre
YouTube Port Arthur Tasmania Australia
. But hey nothing would surprise me anymore!!
So before this one also disappears, Id like to share it with you all
Please share it around.
John Howard Australia Port Arthur
could you please explain to all of Austalia, why there were never any coronial inquests for any victims in the Port Arthur Massacre, and why was ths god given right taken away, from victims and there families.
Also why was the Broad Arrow Cafe pulled down two months after the shooting, when to this day, there are so many unanswered questions.
Why has Martin Bryant never been formally identified, and credible witnesses silenced, why didnt Martin Bryant never do a walk through the crime scene.
How can people heal from such a tragic event, when they have had there rights and liberties taken away from them . This is the greatest injustice of the all.
You might as well have lockd up all the victims and there familes like Martin Bryant, cause in a
sense you have.
Why was Martin Bryant, held in solitary confinement for months on end, a man with the intelligence of an 11 year old, and withheld lawyer information, regarding his rights to speak or not.
Why did Martin Bryant continue to say for months he wasnt guilty, and then all of a sudden said Guilty. Did all that time in solitary confinement break him, it sure looks that way!
Why did the S.A Police believe there was two shooters, and why was the Seascape cottage left to burn down, when there were possible suvivors inside.
I would be more upset, if my family member or friend was not given an inquest, where I could ask questions to help me come to some closure.
Mr. Howard this is a great injustice, but you justify it by saying it would upset the victims, no-one has any right to take this away from families.
Also an apology to Wendy Scurr, Terry Hill, Bill Drysdale the list goes on
In actual fact the whole of Australia needs an apology.
These are just a few questions us Australians would like answered, and resolved.
So all victims, victims families and extended families, including Carleen and Martin Bryant.
The right to rest in peace.
From Australian families and extended families, we are many.
Australia Port Arthur Wendy Scurr Witnesses
Martin Bryant was banned from the Broad Arrow cafe at the time, and yet he was not recognised by staff at the cafe, or asked to leave. [4] The few people that had met Martin Bryant prior to the murders that were in the Broad Arrow cafe at the time all stated that the man who was seated was not Martin Bryant
Jim Laycock , that knew Martin personally stated that the gunman was also not Martin Bryant.
Graham Collyer (stated that the gunman was not Martin Bryant) A number of people have spoken out about Martin Bryant's innocence, including eye witness Wendy Scurr [13] who, along with Andrew McGregor and Stewart Beattie, have attempted to gather resources to convince the Australian governor-general to allow Martin Bryant to launch an appeal against his conviction. [14]
Why have/did the Courts silence Key Credible witneses???
Does any of this raise alarm bells !!
Friday, November 9, 2007
BigPond Big Pond or The Pond Secondlife
Please take the time to read some of these interesting facts.
Shame on you The Pond Secondlife, for banning me from your site, you have shown to be extremely UnAustralian. If clicking a button is more important than this issue, click away.
All you do is well show me, who you really are.
I was standing at your site, and told people if they wanted to look at a website attached to my avatar, and you call that spam.
Why is it then that peope have contacted me for more information and support, not all secondlife residents care about control and the next linden, they actually really do care about there country.
And because I would not conform to your apparent rules, you ban me. What a joke!
S the pond you call this spam
Bryants Lawyer to face charges of theft 2006
Truly appauling !!,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html,23599,20845635-3462,00.html
Port Arthur Lawyer update 2007,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss,10117,19163044-2,00.html?from=rss
Lawyers or Liers Port Arthur Australia
Some interviews with Mr. John Avery, who was in 2007 charged with theft from former clients, this went to court early 2007, and well you cant seem to find out much about this. Not surprising to myself. This link will lead you to inteviews with Martin Bryant and John Avery, also police conversation during the seige at Seascape.
Port Arthur Tasmania Australia
Please let me know if you would like me to find something for you, that you are having trouble finding.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Co-incidences and inconsistancies
An interesting video made in 2001 featuring Wendy Scurr a Port Arthur Survivor and Andrew Mac Gregor a former Victorian Policeman that has researched the case.
I have spoken to Ian Mc Niven, the editor for the shooters news, and a lady by the name of Amanda Howard, who is about to write a book about Port Arthur . Loss of innocence
Amanda is now looking at this information as well.
Ian Mc Niven was recently on a Canberra Radio show speaking to the public, and his website now has never looked back and the traffic to his site has incresed dramatically.
Port Arthur Unmasked C-D Rom can be purchased for $30.00, all proceeds going to the continued investigation, although this is for u to decide to purchase of course.
please address to
Wendy Scurr
P.O.Box 8 Kempton
Tasmanaia 7030. Aust
Also there is now a Petition that can be signed, its interesting to read what people have said with there signatures. This Petition has been sent all over Australia now, and continues on, with peoples continued support, Wendy Scurr and the victims and victims families may finally get there coronial inquests that they just deserve, and some peace.
I proudly stand alongside these courageous people to fight for the truth, and in no way will I be silenced, like they continue to be. Basically I am still astounded with what I have read, this is the stuff the general public has never seen.
The inconsistances and co-incidences there are well to many to mention.
Please take the time Australia, the victims deserve to be answered many unanswered questions.
I thought I would post these before they also disappear like so much other stuff seems to.